пятница, 17 марта 2017 г.

Async Python: real men, threads and twisted

Here is recording of my presentation on Pacemaker conference about asynchronous Python stuff: jobs, workers, twisted, threads and subprocesses. It is in Ukrainian language, and presentation itself is in English. Enjoy :)

среда, 8 марта 2017 г.

NDB admin panel for Google App Engine

Used github to find rain repo to answer someone's question. And noted NDB Admin repo (https://github.com/vsergeyev/ndbadmin). If you use Google App Engine with Python, it may be worth to look. It build with Django/Flask in mind.
One picture is better than page of words:

Or live Demo: http://ndbadmin-live.appspot.com/

Usage is straightforward, add Meta subclass into your Model definition.
Something like this:
class Item(ndb.Model):
    name = ndb.StringProperty()

    class Meta():
        def __init__(self):
            self.order_by = Item.name

Rain effect in Lua/Corona

Just noted comment on my old YouTube tutorial with sample of rain effect.
Code and original post was on my old blog, so. Thats cool it is a copy on github:

So enjoy.

It is quite simple to use rain in your Corona SDK game:

local rain = require("rain")

rain.new(group, {})

Pause rain


Resume rain
