суббота, 11 октября 2008 г.

Workbench for bank clerks

These days was finished project for Ukrainian bank "Privatbank". The purpose of developed software is management of debit and credit cards (Visa & Mastercard). System operates in local intranet and allows clerks to create and manage documents.

Input of new cards become via signal pick-up of card-reader device. Incoming data parsed by software and stored as regular database objects. Also full text search by cardholder's name or card number available in system.

Project based on: Django framework, Python programming language, SQLite and CherryPy web-server.

My role in project: Independent contractor.

My responsibilities in project:
- design of database layer, objects and models
- design of pages layout, CSS and HTML coding
- development of modules
- development of card-reader device program interface
- configuration of server for project