суббота, 11 октября 2008 г.

Workbench for bank clerks

These days was finished project for Ukrainian bank "Privatbank". The purpose of developed software is management of debit and credit cards (Visa & Mastercard). System operates in local intranet and allows clerks to create and manage documents.

Input of new cards become via signal pick-up of card-reader device. Incoming data parsed by software and stored as regular database objects. Also full text search by cardholder's name or card number available in system.

Project based on: Django framework, Python programming language, SQLite and CherryPy web-server.

My role in project: Independent contractor.

My responsibilities in project:
- design of database layer, objects and models
- design of pages layout, CSS and HTML coding
- development of modules
- development of card-reader device program interface
- configuration of server for project

пятница, 11 июля 2008 г.

Offline, 1-file version of "Getting tasks done!"

Today I have finished development of 1-file version of "Getting tasks done!" service. It intended for iPhone & iPod Touch users. Application has "sync with server" feature. Note: if you want to use sync with server, you need to create account at GTD! and login.

If you want simple, reliable application for task management - here is it. You may download it from Google Code: http://code.google.com/p/offline-gtd/
Application is 1 HTML file with embedded css, images and javascript. No installation required.

среда, 25 июня 2008 г.

10 Things To Do When You Need New Ideas Fast!

By Brain Squeezer
1. Breathe and get into state!
You are a genius. You have a human brain that is more powerful than any known computer.
2. Draw a mind-map!
Grab some coloured pens and paper. Draw a circle in the middle and write your challenge inside it.
3. Get some ingredients!
To cook a tasty dish, you need to mix different ingredients together. It's been said that all creativity is the act of putting old things or old ideas together in a new way. For ideas within a specific field, look at the old ideas within that field or related fields. Ask how you can put them together in a different way, a new format or perhaps the opposite way.
4. Grab a friend!When you combine minds, the "computing" power grows exponentially and is more powerful than the sum of its parts. The truth is that you only need 1 brain to get creative - yours!
5. Don't be yourself!
Take on a role. Do your thinking as James Bond, Napoleon Bonaparte, Martin Luther King, Albert Einstein or Dolly Parton! You are an immensely creative being. By acting as someone else, you free yourself to access other parts of your mind.
6. Close your eyes!
Shutting your eyes immediately transports you into the world of the subconscious and you can tap into its extraordinary non-stop thinking power. Allow yourself to relax, make the journey down and think about your challenge at a deep inner level. Return when you are ready, feeling refreshed, renewed and ready to fire up your ideas.
7. A little Divine Inspiration!
Here's an energy exercise much favoured by the hottest Hollywood stars. Imagine that there is a golden circle of light right in front of you - this is your spotlight - your place to shine! Step inside that circle of light and feel the energy and confidence that it gives you. Ask your Higher Self to fill you with energy, inspiration and ideas.
8. Rob a bank!
Grab sackfuls of quality ideas from an ideas bank and run with them! There are various idea banks on the Internet, as well as thousands of blogs, message boards and chatrooms where ideas are mooted.
9. Milk your brain!
Milk will only flow from a cow when its teats are squeezed under pressure. It's the same with your brain! To milk your brain for a bucketful of creme-de-la-creme ideas, you have to squeeze your brain and put it under pressure.
10. The Inquisitive Inquisition!The brain is a stimulus and response bio-machine. The best way to stimulate it is to ask questions. Questions awaken your creative responses. Remember, the meaning of your communication is in the response you get. So, if you are getting lousy answers, you need to ask better questions. Interview and interrogate your brain to get the flow of ideas you want.

вторник, 24 июня 2008 г.

Offline To Do application for iPhone & iPod Touch

Most users of iPod Touch don't have constant Web access. So we decided to develop version of Getting tasks done service with ability to work offline and sync with server when needed. You may use it without registration. But sync only works for registered users.

More about this feature you may read at GTD! blog.

среда, 16 апреля 2008 г.

I won a book from Webworker Daily

It's looks now is my lucky time :)
Some days ago I participated in survey at Web Worker Daily. And I won a copy of the WWD book, "Connect! A Guide to a New Way of Working" http://webworkerdaily.com/connect-book/

Thank you very much :)

5th place at Rambler Hackfest 2008 contest

I'm very proud that my team "Team #37" has obtained 5th place at contest "Startup during 24 hours" (Rambler).

The goal of this competition - create startup from scratch during 24 hours. More than 60 teams participated in it. Our team obtained 5-th place.

Our project: All Mine!, built using Python/Django framework during 24 hours. The aim of this service - help people to increase productivity and be in touch with events (calendars), wishlist and upcoming tasks.

понедельник, 14 апреля 2008 г.

Editor in chief

I'm now Editor in chief of the on-line journal "Startupers RU". It's about innovative startups and interesting people. Also translations of interesting articles are publishing at Startupers.

I like very much Paul Graham's essays. So it's published at Startupers too.
I'm reading Web Worker Daily very long time. And now I'm doing Russian translations of interesting articles from it for Startupers.

Here, in Russia and Ukraine we enjoy innovations and like to read about it.

четверг, 6 марта 2008 г.

Edit & Share Business cards

I'm developing a service for myself - "BiCards - Create & Share business cards online". Service now in beta stage.

The purpose of the project - draw business cards on-line as with desktop publishing software. It's don't requires registration. You open page with new business card and edit it. Different fonts, colors, effects available. Editing is based on "drag-n-drop" of items. Own logotypes accepted.

Application produces high quality resolution image for perfect printing. Also you may continue to edit your business card later. Personal information secured by PIN code.

It's easy to share business card. Every user get his own URL. For example this is My business card.

воскресенье, 24 февраля 2008 г.

Personal Social Networks

Social web already have made us friendlier and open for communication.

But all we're dependent on owners of social services. All our data is stored on their servers and fully accessible by their staff. There is no real privacy. For example: I have some posts that available only for my friends or only for me. But, I can't be sure that this personal information not be viewed by 3rd party.

Only thing I have – trust to social network's owners.

I think OpenSocial from Google will made us more free from social networks' owners. With OpenSocial technology "… you can host your application on your own servers …" or even "… build a complete social app with no server at all …".

For example, I may buy own domain, rent a server and install social CMS like SocialPress. That's all! My own social network is ready. It's hosts only my data and fully under my control. Also I can get my old personal data from FaceBook or any other network. If I would like to post private message – it remain private. My social data will become independent of Facebook owners or somebody else.

I think, this is the future of the Web - billions of the Personal Social Networks.

пятница, 4 января 2008 г.

"Konkursof.Net" service done

Konkursof.Net is Russian free online service, allows visitors to participate in contests and competitions. Contests are free and fun prizes available for winners. Also available YouTube's video content to use by members of service.

Project based on: Django framework and Python programming language.

My role in project: Independent contractor.
Customer: "Konkursof net", LLC.

My responsibilities in project:
- design of database layer
- design of HTML pages, CSS layout
- configuration of Unix server for project

Technologies used:
- Django framework
- YouTube API
- JQuery JavaScript framework
- PIL image libary
- GMail communication